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A year of anti-racism action

In 2021, we made great strides in our anti-racism efforts as a human rights advocate, a human rights service provider and regulator, and a federally regulated employer.

We began the year by publishing the first iteration of our Anti-Racism Action Plan. It was another key step in transforming the invaluable feedback we have received from staff and stakeholder experts into meaningful and sustainable concrete action.

The collaboration continued as we gathered input on our Action Plan — where to strengthen it, how to hone it. It all helped inform a new iteration of the Plan that we launched in September on our anti-racism online platform. This latest version of our Action Plan details 49 concrete actions that touch all aspects of the Commission's work and establishes concrete timelines for each.

As an imperative measure to hold us accountable to this comprehensive set of commitments, we also published the first in a line of Progress Reports to come that will track milestones and results achieved in this important work.

It is all part of our mission to create lasting transformative change at the Commission.

Since this work began, the Chief Commissioner has met with and presented to numerous organizations to share with them our journey and what we have learned and support them in their commitment to anti-racism action.

This work is imperative to our organization. And we are approaching all of it in such a way that ensures that anti-racism efforts be embedded into the very way we operate as an employer, a service provider and regulator, and as an advocate. It is important to us that this work outlives any one particular employee's time at the Commission.